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"Buck AE Down speaks the truth. And he does it in three-minute blasts of punk poetry that would make Alex Chilton and Joe Strummer smile. You won’t feel better about our dumpster fire of a republic after listening to “The Great Quarantino,” but you’ll feel better about the future of no-bullshit, guitars-to-11, pop-rock songcraft."


Andy Herman

Billboard, LA Weekly, Rolling Stone



“Wonderful writing and arrangement…nearly perfect.”


Robert L.Smith

Producer (David Bowie, U2, Paul McCartney) 



"Buck Down is a cottage industry: Razor-sharp rock, aggro graphics, and finely-wrought political invective, all under one roof. Consider him your one-stop-shop for what's either the end of the world or a new beginning."


Rico Gagliano

NPR, Wall Street Journal



“Down delivers impeccable fightin’ American Folk-Punk-Rock, delivering old truths you might have forgotten lyrically and sonically (when’s the last time you heard drums this vivid, clear, and real?) and keeping the lights on in a world whose horizons are darkening and closing in. He’s cheering for the best in all of us—join him beneath the canopy of stars and by the studio door, let him be your guide through nature and artifice to the better place only rock n’ roll can make.”


Brian Doherty

Reason Magazine



A beautifully realized and thoughtful piece of work. Melodies and lyrics that hit hard and then just stay with you like a nice morning dream……


John Avila

Oingo Boingo



"...Plays like a noir retelling of the West. Too good to be true, and when you get there, it’s already gone. So you drain and smash the bottle on the bar, and you move on...the intro to Get It Together chills my gothic bones like a siren song courting the Damned to add just one more track to Phantasmagoria."

Justin Katz

Burning Man Project, AEG, Goldenvoice



"Listening to this is like standing on a crumbling rocky cliff, watching the sunset spectacularly on America. A snapshot of an extremely absurd and terrible moment in history, The Great Quarantino is at least as much journalism as rock’n’roll, taking us on a lonely sunset drive through the calamitous emotional and political hellscapes of the Great Isolation."


Dan Abbot

East Bay Express, SF Bay Guardian



"Down's album brings the distinctly American rock 'n' roll sounds of writers like Tom Petty into the locked-down and angsty quarantine age."


Linda Williamson

LA Weekly, LA Times



“Extremely skilled songwriting, arranging, production, mixing, and mastering. Not only that -  the artwork that accompanies the album is exquisite. The whole package is very classy.”


Colin Wallace

4AD, Liz Fraser, Goldfrapp



"Buck AE Down's newest works are at one time nostalgic in feeling and very modern in execution. The tracks bring a feeling of familiar, warm memories along with an almost futuristic edge. There are influences here that range from Springsteen to Radiohead, all with Buck's unique signature.  Every song evokes emotion, thought, and truly reveal his deep artistic roots.”


Paul Pistore

Wildfire Entertainment, CoreCrew




Buck AE Down | Musician | Writer | Graphic Designer
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